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2024 Technical Conference Registration

CLICK HERE FOR THE Preliminary Program!

The Central New York Chapter of the Air & Waste Management Association (AWMA), an environmental organization with connections to over 300 local environmental, health, and safety professionals is sponsoring its 26th annual Technical Conference in conjunction with the CNY Chapter of the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA).  This year’s event will be held at the Lodge in Skaneateles on March 19, 2024 from 8am to 5pm followed by student poster awards, a cash bar, and raffle! Register by using the menu below.


Why Attend?

  • Excellent opportunity to network

  • Past Conferences drew over 150 participants from a variety of environmental fields

  • A full day of presentations on current environmental, health and safety topics with multiple breaks throughout the day in the exhibitor area

  • NYS Professional Engineer Professional Development Hours to be provided

  • Continental breakfast and lunch provided

We are also in need of exhibitors and sponsors for the Conference. Please find out more and sign up on our website by clicking here or by contacting Ben Haith at ben.haith@aecom.com or Meghan Platt at meghan.platt@arcadis.com.  Reservations for exhibitors and sponsors closes on March 1.   

CNY AWMA/AIHA are encouraging presenters to obtain approval of presentations for professional continuing education credits/professional development hours for the respective design professions. Certificates of attendance will be provided to registrants if available.


Please note that an inherent risk of exposure to Covid-19 exists anywhere other people are present. Any person who chooses to travel to and/or participate in this conference assumes all risks arising from that decision, including but not limited to infection from other vaccinated or unvaccinated participants or other persons. All attendees must agree to comply with all safety procedures established by the AIHA/AWMA Technical Conference as well as any other protocols put in place by The Lodge or any other applicable authorities, including, but not limited to, the CDC and New York State.


Personal Accountability Commitment

By registering for this event, I agree to abide by and engage in appropriate health and safety conduct as specified by AIHA/AWMA and The Lodge while attending the event. This includes, but is not limited to, not attending the March 2024 AIHA/AWMA Technical Conference if I am ill or have recently been exposed to COVID-19, complying with mask mandates, engaging in physical distancing, exercising hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette, and otherwise adhering to the guidelines established by the CDC, New York State, The Lodge, AIHA/AWMA, and all posted signs and verbal requests.

REGISTRATION: The General Registration Fee is $175. The Government/ Retiree Rate is $65. The Student Rate is $30. A limited number of Student Registrations are free thanks to a generous contribution by one of our sponsors.