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January Virtual Breakfast Meeting

The AWMA-CNY Chapter will host our next monthly program with a virtual breakfast meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 28, 2025.  Marilyn Wurth, Research Scientist 3, from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), Division of Air Resources (DAR), will present “The New York State Community Air Monitoring Initiative- Mobile Air Monitoring Results for Disadvantaged Communities in Syracuse (2022-2023).”  The statewide Community Air Monitoring (CAM) Initiative worked with a mobile monitoring contractor Aclima, Inc. to collect air quality data in 10 disadvantaged communities for one year ending in August 2023, expanding on the four communities required by the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (Climate Act). Air quality monitoring focused on disadvantaged communities (DACs) with high air pollution burdens. The results will help DEC target strategies to reduce air pollution, including greenhouse gas emissions contributing to climate change. Please join us in reviewing the results of the air monitoring conducted in Syracuse. 


The meeting will take place via Teams and you will be provided with a link to the meeting after your sign up, the day before the presentation. The meeting schedule will be as follows:
        7:45 - 7:55 AM – Open Teams Meeting Format (bring your coffee and breakfast for non-structured time to catch up with your fellow participants).
        7:55 - 8:00 AM – Housekeeping Announcements and Introductions
        8:00 - 8:50 AM – Featured Speaker
        8:50 - 9:00 AM – Time for Q&A


Please register by Monday, January 27th. This meeting will be free for CNY AWMA members (remember to renew your membership – renew online through on our Membership page here).  The cost for non-members to attend is $15 though students may attend the meeting for free. 


Earlier Event: January 16
13th Annual Holiday Enviro-Mixer
Later Event: February 25
February 2025 Breakfast Meeting