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October Dinner Meeting

  • Marietta Corporation 106 Central Avenue Cortland, NY, 13045 United States (map)

The October meeting of the Central New York Chapter of the Air & Waste Management Association will be a tour of Marietta Corporation in Cortland. Following the tour, we will stop at Dashers Pub in Homer for grub and grog. The tour will begin on Tuesday, October 13, 2015, at 5:00 p.m. Please arrive no later than 4:50 pm so that we can be sure to start on time. 

There is no cost for the tour. The cost of dinner is $20.00 for members, $25.00 for non-members, and $15.00 for students. 

Earlier Event: September 15
2015 Welcome Back BBQ
Later Event: November 10
November Dinner Meeting