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February Dinner Meeting

  • Casa De Copani 3414 Burnet Avenue Syracuse, NY, 13206 United States (map)

The February meeting of the Central New York Chapter of the Air & Waste Management Association will be a dinner meeting held on February 16, 2016 at Casa di Copani Restaurant, located at 3414 Burnet Avenue in Syracuse, at 6:00 pm.  Our featured speaker, Neil Webb from O‘Brien & Gere will talk about the Clean Energy Fund.  New York is developing a new framework for embracing new technologies that generate, transmit, distribute and consume energy.  The Reforming Energy Vision (REV) will facilitate many of these transitions in our State‘s energy marketplace.  The proposed Clean Energy Fund (CEF) will replace expiring utility bill line items, such as the Renewable Portfolio Standard, and the $5 billion raised through the CEF will be directed toward market development and technologies intended to achieve the State‘s Green House Gas reductions. 

The cost of dinner is $20.00 for members, $25.00 for non-members, and $15.00 for students.  

Earlier Event: January 16
January Breakfast Meeting
Later Event: March 22
20th Annual Technical Conference