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2016 Enviromixer

  • Dinosaur BBQ 246 East Willow Street Syracuse, NY, 13202 United States (map)

Sign up now for the 6th Annual Enviro-Mixer of the Air & Waste Management Association, Central New York Chapter, which will be held on Tuesday, January 5, 2016, from 5:30 - 9:30 PM at the Dinosaur BBQ (upstairs). Don't miss this great opportunity for food and fun with your friends and colleagues. It's free for members and is another chance to renew your 2016 membership. The event cost for non-members is $25, and since it was so popular in the past, we will again be offering the opportunity for non-members to join CNY AWMA for the $25.00 annual fee and attend the Enviro-Mixer for free. 

Earlier Event: December 8
December Breakfast Meeting
Later Event: January 16
January Breakfast Meeting